Tag Archives: neighbors



As we look to open our doors tomorrow morning, we know that many of our neighbors are rebuilding after last week’s Arctic Blast.

This is a devastating situation for anyone, but even more so for our neighbors who live paycheck to paycheck. In addition to their usual first of the month expenses, affected individuals and families are facing their insurance deductible and mounting costs to replace damaged items. With your help, Interfaith will be able to bridge the gap by offering:

Financial Assistance for Rent, Mortgage or Utility Payments
Food Pantry Distribution
Grocery Store and Gasoline Gift Cards
Vouchers to our Hand Me Up Shop for Clothing and Housewares

Interfaith of The Woodlands is also working with United Way of Greater Houston, who has activated MCCARES, the Montgomery County long-term recovery group, providing additional resources to those in need. Additionally, the Interfaith team has continued their weekly wellness calls and grocery delivery for Senior Adults, ensuring they have everything they need during this time. Many in this group are still homebound, awaiting a complete COVID-19 vaccination.

For nearly 50 years, Interfaith of The Woodlands has served the South Montgomery County community through times of personal crisis, natural disasters, and economic downturns, because of the generosity of local businesses and residents. Thank you for always answering our call for help, preventing your neighbors from facing food insecurity or homelessness.

You can continue this legacy of service by using the link  to make a financial donation, or bringing a donation for the Food Pantry during 9:00 am and 4:00 pm, Monday through Friday. Click here for the list of Food Pantry items needed.

If you, or someone you know, is struggling from the storm’s impact, please contact Interfaith at fs@woodlandsinterfaith.org or 281-367-1230.

As your Hometown Non-Profit for nearly 50 years, we stand ready to serve.

With much gratitude,

Missy Herndon
President & CEO, Interfaith of The Woodlands

Help Us Serve Home bound Seniors and Families in Crisis.

Dear Neighbor,
We are in unprecedented times, so forgive us as messaging and activities are continuing to evolve as we work hard to assess and meet community needs while still working very hard to keep our staff, clients and customers as healthy as possible.
Our goal is to continue to serve our neighbors in need to the best of our ability.
Interfaith is continuing:
  • Senior Grocery Delivery, moving it from monthly to weekly
  • Crisis assistance services (i.e. rent, mortgage, utilities, gas vouchers, and prescription assistance) for Seniors and Families
  • Food Pantry Assistance for families includes three Food Bags filled with groceries for 5 meals, plus snacks, toilet paper and baby goods if needed. Bags are distributed by driving through our parking lot.

Our biggest need in the coming weeks is funding to purchase specific and essential foods, toiletries and paper goods in bulk from local grocery stores and The Food Bank. This funding ensures we are able to meet the community’s current food needs, as well as providing financial assistance to families and Seniors who are experiencing wage loss or additional crisis as related to business and school closures.

Donations to these efforts can be made here.

In the days and weeks ahead, we anticipate an increased need as our community responds to the Pandemic. Just as we have for nearly 47 years, Interfaith plans to walk alongside our neighbors in need. We are able to do that with your partnership and support.
Thank you for caring, stay safe, and healthy.
Missy Herndon
President and CEO