Celebrate with the Gift of Giving

Please help Interfaith brighten the Holiday Season in our community by offering your support. Holiday GIVING provides families, children, and seniors with gifts and food to make their Holiday Season special.

Choose one or all of these wonderful ways to give!


Toy Drive



 We will have both small and large families available for adoption!

The total cost of adopting a family with one child is approximately $125, with an additional $50 cost for each additional child in the family.


Provides new toys and gifts from community donors for children and teens, distributed during the Holiday Season.


Provide holiday cheer to a local Senior Adult for a cost of $50.

Each family enrolled in Holiday GIVING receives food and a gift card to prepare a traditional holiday meal. 

How can you help?

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Adopt a Family

Interfaith will match you or your group with a family and provide their list of gift ideas. Please contact Nayely Reyes, nreyes@woodlandsinterfaith.org to adopt a family this holiday season. Gifts are due to Interfaith by 12:00 pm on Tuesday, November 26th. 

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Hold a Toy Drive

If your business or organization would like to hold a toy or gift card drive, we can provide you with a list of suggestions. Please contact Nayely Reyes, nreyes@woodlandsinterfaith.org, so that she can help facilitate the collection and drop off of these items.
Toys and gift card drives are due to Interfaith by 12:00 pm on Thursday, December 12th.

Click here for ideas.

Click here for Gift Shopping List

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Purchase Gifts for Seniors

If you would like to provide a gift for a local senior neighbor this holiday season, please contact Laurie Oglesby, loglesby@woodlandsinterfaith.org.

Gifts are due to Interfaith by 12:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 26th.

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Holiday Food Assistance

You can organize a food drive and collect non-perishable items to fill our pantry shelves. This is a wonderful time to collect holiday food items.

Click here to see our Holiday Food Pantry needs

Click here for Food Pantry Shopping List

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Collect Gift Cards

Interfaith will be accepting Walmart gift cards and grocery gift cards in $25 increments to distribute to our families and seniors for holiday assistance.

Thank you for helping Interfaith make the holiday season merry and bright for our neighbors in need!

For more information
or to speak with a
Program Representative by phone,
please call 281-367-1230.