Value Statement
We, people of faith, called by our traditions to compassion have created an organization where we gather in mutual respect, dialogue and cooperative action to provide a connection between communities of faith and the community at large. We value voices that value others and believe that our shared religious values can lead us to act for the good of all. We declare that our religious life can support us as we respect and care for one another and build a more loving and caring community.
2025 Board of Directors
Julie Mayrant – Board Chair
Tony Torres – Vice Chair
Justin Kendrick – Vice Chair
Mary Anne Whitney – Ex-Officio
Amy Reardon – Treasurer
Carol Hernandez – Secretary
Pastor David Bauser – Clergy Representative
Rob Johnson – Advisor, Special Projects
William H. Murphy – Advisor, Capital Campaign
Nelda Luce Blair
Pastor Steve Bradley
Jim Carman
Todd Durkee
Lanny Goad
Rabbi Edwin Goldberg
Dr. Kerrie Guerrero, DNP
Jo Anne Johnson
Pastor Rodney Mills
Dr. Rihabi Mohamed, Ph.D.
Jim Parisi
Nicole Preston
Wade Rogers
Reverend Heather Sims
Reverend Mark Sorensen
Dr. Giridhar Vedala, MD
Pastor Brad Wright
2025 Board of Advisors
Arthur Bredehoft
Joel Deretchin
Dan Hauser
Brynn Ballard Huntsman
Peter Huntsman
George Lindahl
Ray Sanders
Dr. Ann Snyder
Dr. Debra Sukin
Alex Sutton
Josh Urban
Tim Welbes
Rev. Don Gebert, In Memoriam