75% of Food Harvested donated to Interfaith Food Pantry
Veggie Village, community donation gardens, are welcoming places where people work and learn together while providing fresh organic produce to the Interfaith Food Pantry and Senior Living Complexes. The gardens are located at the Alden Bridge Sports Park and Wendtwoods Park (in the Village of Creekside) in partnership with The Woodlands Township and many community volunteers.
Our goals are to provide
- Fresh food, using organic and sustainable gardening practices, for the Interfaith Food Pantry
- A place where members of the community, including elderly, disabled and children, work together with our natural habitat
- Education in sustainable living, including gardening, environment care, and nutrition
Veggie Village: Alden Bridge is a traditional community donation garden where plot adoption is offered with the understanding that 75% of the harvest is donated to the Interfaith Food Pantry. Plot adoptions are available to volunteers and are renewed on an annual basis.
Veggie Village: Wendtwoods Park is a Children’s Garden where visitors are encouraged to touch, taste, and explore the Garden in a learning and serving environment. Children are also introduced to the concept of food insecurity and helping our neighbors in need.
For more information please contact:
Jenni Fisher
- 05 Jan 2018
- Community Involvement, Featured, Food and Nutrition
- The Alden Bridge Sports Park, 4751 Highway 242, The Woodlands, TX 77382
- (832) 615-8207